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The Best Online Backup for Small Business Is the One We Manage!

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

It’s not a matter of if a company will experience a catastrophic event, but a matter of when. Many events can occur, some of which are out of your control, while others happen by accident. Events such as natural disasters, hardware or software failures, hackers, and human error can occur without warning. When something like this happens, you will want to go to the most recent copy of your data, and hopefully, you have one. After all, your data is the core of your business, but once it is gone, it is gone. Thus, establishing a backup plan is vital to disaster preparedness, and a managed service provider (MSP) can help you implement the best online backup for small business.

What is backup and disaster recovery?

Backup and disaster recovery (BDR) is the practice of identifying your key information and making secure copies of it. It also includes prioritizing your more important data and making sure it gets backed up first. Simply put, there is more to it than downloading software and clicking a button.

There are two ways you can take advantage of BDR services. You can use a cloud BDR or have an onsite backup recovery solution. With cloud BDR, you store your data in the cloud, which provides reliability and the option to expand your storage space as needed.

With an onsite solution, you have full control over your data but may pay more upfront. Hiring an MSP to manage your BDR will help you figure out the best option and get it done right.

What can an MSP do about data backups?

An MSP can help you create a strong BDR plan. The following are some of the benefits an MSP like SecureTech can provide:

  • Reduce complexity. Establishing a BDR plan and choosing the right software can be challenging. An MSP knows how to analyze your data and determine which software is best to create a plan that is easier to understand and execute.
  • Save time. Instead of having to figure a plan out by yourself, an MSP can get it done quickly and efficiently. You can focus on your business needs and growth objectives while having peace of mind.
  • Save money. Rather than paying an entire team to carry out a project, you only pay for what you need with an MSP.
  • Maintain security. An MSP takes on the responsibility of making sure your data security is in compliance.

In a nutshell, MSPs handle the project from start to finish, ensuring you only pay for what you need and getting it done right.

SecureTech is the MSP for the best online backup for small business

Losing data can be catastrophic for your company. One major event can mean the end of your revenues. So, having a copy of your data and being able to restore it quickly will help you in the long run. However, creating a backup and disaster recovery plan requires careful preparation and execution. You need a professional company like SecureTech that can analyze your business and make a plan that works for you.

SecureTech has many years of experience helping our customers in San Antonio, TX stay safe when disaster strikes. We can help you implement the best online backup for small business. Contact SecureTech today for a free consultation to see how we can keep your data safe!