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Cybersecurity: Business Data Leaks are Preventable

Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes

Data breaches are a significant threat to every business, irrespective of size. Often, small businesses have a false sense of security because it seems only large companies are a target of data leaks. But, sadly, this is not true. Without cybersecurity, businesses are more likely to be victims of this unfortunate incident than bigger companies. This is because they usually have fewer security strategies in place.

Unfortunately, the aftermath is usually severe for small businesses. Some of them close down eventually as they cannot recover from the incident.

However, the good news is that business data leaks can be prevented.

This article will discuss extensively how partnering with a Managed Service Provider can help prevent data leaks in your business.

What Does Data Leak Mean?

Data leaks occur when data security is compromised, and unauthorized users are exposed to the company’s sensitive information.

When this happens, it can lead to a data breach attack – a situation where criminals exploit the leaked information and cause harm to the affected company.

Data leaks are usually a result of poor cybersecurity business policies and are not caused by cybercriminals. But, they can be used by criminals to launch an attack.

How can MSPs Help to Prevent Data Leaks with Cybersecurity Business Policies?

Several factors can expose a company’s sensitive data to unauthorized persons. However, partnering with an MSP like SecureTech can help improve your data security and reduce the likelihood of data leaks or breaches.

MSPs can help secure your business from data breaches by implementing some security measures such as:

Password Managers

The need for password security cannot be overemphasized.

A common cause of data leaks is poor passwords or poor password management.

Many employees use simple passwords that can be easily guessed or use the same passwords across multiple accounts.

Other employees write their passwords on papers and leave them carelessly where anyone can see them.

An MSP can help invest in password management tools to prevent password-related data leaks. These tools are used to generate, store and remember passwords and reduce the chance of data leaks.

Data Encryption

MSPs help businesses to encrypt their data and secure it from malicious users. If your data is encrypted, it becomes hard for criminals to utilize it, even with a data leak. Thus, data encryption is regarded as a final line of defense when unauthorized users access sensitive information.

Vendor Management

Partnering with fraudulent vendors can leave your data compromised and vulnerable to attacks. However, an MSP can work with your vendors on your behalf. They can look out for trusted vendors who will not leave your business exposed to criminals.

Cybersecurity Training

Data leaks are often a result of poor practices of the employees. And one way to prevent this is by educating your employees on identifying and preventing malicious attacks. This is what an MSP do for you. An MSP can train your employees to recognize the gimmicks of hackers, especially phishing scams.

Regular Security Assessments

MSPs also perform frequent security assessments to look for loopholes in any organization and resolve them before they become a widespread problem. Detecting any security vulnerability early can prevent data leaks.

Spam Filters

Sending spam emails is one of the ways cybercriminals lure businesses to fall into their trap.

A security measure often implemented by MSPs is using spam filters to prevent this. Spam filters detect unsolicited mails and remove them from the mailbox. Thus, they ensure that only relevant emails reach the end-users.