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Remote Work: IT Services and Solutions for the New Normal

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Working from home has forced all of us to rethink how we communicate. IT services and solutions that meet your communication needs are more important now than ever. At SecureTech, we’ve adopted Microsoft Teams. This tool has become an invaluable part of our internal workflows. Plus, it has helped us stay in touch with our clients.

Our experience with Teams has been extremely positive, and we highly recommend this tool. Here’s why.

What is Microsoft Teams?

Microsoft Teams is a communication and collaboration platform. It’s an app with a user-friendly interface and different communication features.

For example, you can chat one-on-one or start a group chat for your entire team. Or, if you would rather talk face-to-face, you can launch a video call with a simple button.

Video conferencing is where Teams truly shines. You can see up to 49 users on your screen. Plus, users have access to features like customizable backgrounds and a raise hand button. There is even a noise suppression feature to ensure good call quality.

However, Microsoft Teams goes beyond chat and video calls. It’s also a tool that supports file storage and integration with other Microsoft 365 apps. As a result, you can easily create, edit, and share Word, Excel and PowerPoint files.

You can even add more functionalities by installing any one of the 700 apps compatible with Teams. You can customize some of these apps and find tools for automating your workflows too.

How does Teams compare to Zoom or Slack?

Zoom is probably the first tool that comes to mind when you think about video calls. It surged in popularity during the pandemic, with 31% of people saying they used this platform to stay in touch with friends or family.

However, Teams has an advantage over Zoom because it’s part of the Microsoft ecosystem. If you already use Microsoft 365 apps, it makes more sense to adopt Teams.

Slack is another worthwhile option thanks to its outstanding integration for third-party apps and customizable bots. However, Teams remains easier to configure and offers competitive pricing.

Establish face-to-face contact with our IT services and solutions for Teams

We started using Microsoft Teams for internal communication years ago, but didn’t utilize it’s full scope until shortly after the pandemic started. We’ve also started using it to communicate with clients. After all, video calls are an easier way to talk about IT problems. Besides, video conferencing is a great way to prevent isolation when everyone is working from home.

Our personal experience with Teams puts us in a unique position to help you prepare your network to adopt this tool. We might need to configure your Microsoft 365 domain or look at the connectivity between your environment and this solution.

Next, we’ll help you get the software licenses you need to use Teams. We’ll provide support while users install the app, as well as assistance during the onboarding process. Since getting used to a new communication tool can be hard, we also offer training for users, including remote employees.

You’ll get more out of Teams if you configure it for your unique situation in mind. We can help by creating groups and channels that reflect workflows in your organization.

Need help with Microsoft Teams?

Our personal experience with Microsoft Teams means we know the ins and outs of this platform. In fact, we’ve decided to add it to the IT services and solutions we offer. We can help you adopt it and provide training for new users. Get in touch with us if you’re ready to adopt Teams as a remote work solution. We are here in the San Antonio, TX area to serve your IT business needs.