How to Select the Right Managed Services Provider for your Business
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How to Select the Right Managed Services Provider for your Business

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

Even though several businesses today are aware of the importance of managed IT services, many still find it quite challenging to choose the right Managed Service Provider (MSP) for their companies. This could be a result of the fear of getting disappointed or of hiring an MSP with no expertise.

The marketplace is saturated, and it could be challenging to find the perfect team to manage your IT services. Plus, there are probably tens and hundreds of Managed Service Providers persuading you to use their services and promising you the best.

So, you might have thought and wondered, “How can you choose the perfect MSP for your business?”. Luckily, this article will talk you through the processes to identify the right IT services provider for your organization.

When you want to select an IT Services Provider for your business, there are several factors to be considered.

Here are a few:

Does the MSP understand your business?

Before you decide to go with an IT services provider, you should ensure that they understand the scope of your business and can adapt to your growth when necessary. An MSP cannot provide services to aid your business growth when they do not understand your company, your goals, your business needs, and how they can help you achieve them.

Also, it would help if you went with a flexible service provider that can easily adapt to accommodate your growing business demands. Your business won’t be at the same spot forever. At different times, you might introduce changes or new developments to your business, and your MSP should be able to grow with you.

Do they have a good reputation and positive reviews?

Another thing to consider before you commit your business to an MSP is their references and testimonials from their past and present clients. You should not hire a provider that has a bad reputation or history of delivering substandard services.

Thus, you should always seek to know their clients’ experience working with them. Plus, you can check if there are any similarities between their previous clients and your business. For example, you can probably have a similar size, or you are in the same sector. This will help you to understand how well they can serve you.

Do they offer 24/7 monitoring and IT support throughout the year?

As a growing business in a digital era, you can’t afford to have network downtimes. Downtimes can cost you thousands of dollars in a few hours. So, you need to hire a Managed Service Provider that can actively monitor your systems at all times. Whether on special occasions, weekends, or holidays, the team must be readily available to solve any IT issue on-site or remotely in no time.

While some IT services providers only provide availability on certain days of the week, others offer 24/7 availability all through the year. So, ensure that you ask the providers to ascertain if their services are inclusive of 24/7 monitoring.

Do they have a proactive approach to monitoring systems and networks?

Good MSPs often detect network issues or system problems before they spiral out of control and result in more advanced damages. They have technologies that can predict issues before they occur and solve them even before anyone notices. Rather than using a Break/Fix approach where the problems arise before they find solutions, a good MSP will put measures to prevent any occurrence that can affect your company’s uptime.

Will they hold responsibility for any promise they don’t fulfill?

Before you sign the contract with the IT support provider, you should go through the Service Level Agreement (SLA) thoroughly. Read through their sides of the agreement and ask if they would be held accountable if they failed to do their part. A good MSP will take responsibility for every service stated in the SLA. It would be best to avoid any service provider who doesn’t want to be held accountable for their actions.

Are they familiar with the latest technologies?

Cyber hackers have upped their game and are using advanced technologies to breach data security. Before you hire a service provider, you need to ensure that they are accustomed to the latest data security technologies and software. They should be forward-thinking and should not rely solely on older tools to address cybersecurity. Plus, they should be familiar with the trends in the tech space. Every day, there are new technology developments that can enhance the efficiency of an organization. An MSP who is vast in the recent trends can easily incorporate it into their services.

What are my business needs?

Various MSPs provide different services with varying criteria and pricing models. Therefore, it is your duty to select the most appropriate IT provider that suits your business needs.

First, you should highlight the needs of your organization. Some things to consider include:

  • How many customers do you want to cater to?
  • What is your budget?
  • What are your most important technology-based concerns?
  • What security and compliance requirements do you need? ● What are your existing infrastructures?

Then, you can compare different MSPs, the services they provide and choose the most suitable one for you. Below are a few steps on how to select the right MSP for your business.

  1. Read what their service level agreement covers and their pricing models.
  2. Ask them questions concerning their background, experience, expertise, mode of operations, and training.
  3. Ensure that they can handle your operations effectively before you finally agree to hire them.

When you hire a trusted Managed Service Provider to run the IT services of your company, you can channel your focus and energy into other areas of your business. Partnering with excellent IT services providers like Secure-Tech can boost your company’s growth, returns, and productivity.

At Secure-Tech, our goal is to help you achieve your vision with a strategic managed services partnership. We are confident of our dedicated customer service and IT support, with modern technologies that allow you to accomplish your business goals.

Contact us today to know more about the various managed IT services we provide, from backup and disaster recovery and cybersecurity to cloud technologies and technology audits.