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Cybercrime Puts Your Family At Risk

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Often, we assume that businesses are the only targets of cyber crime. But, sadly, they are not. Individuals and their families can also be vulnerable to attacks from these bad guys.

Cybercriminals are always after people they can exploit. So, whether the victims are individuals or businesses, young or older people, they do not care much. As long as they are defenseless to their attacks, these criminals can breach their privacy and exploit the means.

And unfortunately, most people lack proper security defenses and the strategies to secure their private information from cybercriminals. So, these hackers do not even need to stress before they can breach their network.

Cybercrime can occur in various forms. For example, it could be cyberbullying, stalking, blackmailing, hacking, financial fraud, intellectual property crime, and many more.

Sadly, it can cause serious issues and damage to a person and their family. For example, if a criminal gets access to your bank account or credit card, they can make purchases in your name and cause you to lose so much money. Also, these criminals can commit crimes against your identity, thereby damaging your reputation and causing major inconvenience and frustration to you and your family.

There is an endless list of the harm these hackers can cause to you and your family. So, you must take necessary precautions that can protect you, your family, and your loved ones from being victims of their atrocities.

In this article, we will give you a full scoop on how to secure yourself and your family from cybercriminals.

How to protect yourself and your family from cybercriminals.

  • Use unique and strong passwords for all of your accounts – do not use words in the dictionary or names that can be guessed easily.
  • Ensure that your software is updated regularly.
  • Do not open suspicious emails – they could be from scammers.
  • Ensure that you do not conduct financial transactions on public Wi-Fi networks. Connecting to your cellular data is more secure.
  • Implement a residential firewall in your home to monitor every network’s data activity.
  • Do not automatically download every attachment in your emails, especially from unfamiliar addresses.
  • Ensure that you do not provide your personal information carelessly on social media platforms.
  • Monitor your bank account activities closely and report any unauthorized transactions.
  • Beware of false requests from scammers pretending to be someone else.
  • Ensure you log out of your bank accounts and websites after use.
  • Educate yourself and your family on how to be cyber secure.

What should you do if you become a victim of cyber crime?

What do you do if you get scammed or impersonated by cyber crime?

Identity Theft

Identity theft refers to when someone uses your personal information to commit a crime without your permission.

When this happens, you should:

  • First, report to your local law enforcement body.
  • Inform the company that someone is using your identity.
  • Place a fraud alert on your credit reports.
  • Change the passwords to all your online accounts.


If your kids are being cyberbullied. Here are a few tips on what to do:

  • Ignore the bully: Often, bullies are encouraged to do more when they see a reaction from you.
  • Keep a record of the messages and report to appropriate authorities – teachers, school administrators, police officers.
  • Stop communicating with them by blocking their numbers or accounts on social media platforms.

Online Stalking

Online stalking refers to using online technologies to intrude or endanger a victim in an obsessive, persistent, and repeated way.

When this happens, you should:

  • Ignore the stalker – do not engage them in a conversation.
  • Keep track of all the activities – the messages and the online and offline activities of the stalker.
  • Report to police.
  • Ensure that you have strong and unique passwords so that the hacker cannot access your accounts.
  • Do not provide your personal information on social media.