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Managed Services IT: Why Executives Should Care About Patching

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

In the managed services IT world, it seems as if no week passes without another cyber theft. In fact, the FBI’s 2020 internet crime report has increased by more than 300,000 complaints from 2019. And the losses from these crimes total more than $4.2 billion!

As software systems get more complex, it gets harder to identify their weaknesses before the bad guys do. In addition, these thieves are getting more advanced in their knowledge of system gaps.

While the problem of security appears huge, there’s a simple solution: third-party patch management. But why should executives really care about patching?

What is patch management?

First and foremost, it’s important to know what patch management is. A software patch is a piece of code that fixes a bug in a product. So, patch management is simply the process of applying and distributing software patches.

According to a recent report, up to 57% of data breaches are because of poor patch management. Thus, it’s vital that businesses find an ideal solution. Otherwise, your system becomes more vulnerable to attack.

Most systems are high risk

In 2020 alone, there were over 18,000 software weaknesses. So, it’s hard for smaller businesses to handle software patches effectively. Why? They usually don’t have the staff and resources to handle it by themselves.

Fortunately, managed services IT vendors can help your business achieve the benefits of patching and keep your system secure.

Reap the benefits of patch management

Among the multitude of patch management benefits, a few notable ones include:

  • Reduced downtime: It prevents loss of work productivity.
  • Improved security: It makes the security of the system stronger.
  • Fewer fines: It helps avoid industry fines.
  • Happy customers: Patching makes your product better. And good products create happy customers.

But reaping these benefits often depends on partnering with the right managed service provider, like SecureTech. Our solution emphasizes patching. In fact, we schedule patch windows with all of our customers to remove vulnerabilities in their network. We apply best-practice standards to keep you secure.

How managed services IT help with patching

When you partner with a managed services provider, they will help ensure your system is up to date.

Software updates

We continuously monitor your IT environment for updates. Also, we perform daily patches and work with your team if there are any issues. We can help you contact the software company responsible for the problem too.

Equipment updates

If you don’t upgrade your equipment, you expose yourself to risk by using outdated hardware. We can assess your equipment and transition to new products by recommending solutions that fit your business needs. Since MSPs like us partner with vendors, we can even help you get a better deal.

Plus, we’ll back up your data from the old device and make sure the new one is set up properly so you can resume work quickly.

Policies and procedures

The best way to execute patch management is to have a policy in place. This will allow you to roll out patches effectively. To get started, we can help you:

  • Create an inventory of all IT assets.
  • Back up existing data.
  • Prioritize, time and test patch deployment.
  • Consider scope and applicability.
  • Define patch rollout plans.

Ensure all third-party components are patched too. This lets you stay on top of all the new versions of the software.

Need help?

Patch management is a critical step in keeping your network safe. To establish effective processes, develop a partnership with a managed services IT provider like SecureTech. Our team will monitor your system to make sure everything is updated and secure.

If you’re in the San Antonio, TX area, contact SecureTech for your managed services needs.