Leading Cyber Security Companies
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How do Leading Cyber Security Companies Keep You Safe?

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Cyberattacks are becoming more common and causing more damage than ever. Criminals often target small businesses. They assume these organizations can’t protect themselves unless they work with leading cyber security companies.

It’s important to be proactive, and that’s something an MSP can help you with.

The state of cybercrime

In 2020, there were over 1,000 data breaches. These breaches are becoming more common — they increased by 67% from 2014 to 2019.

As a result, businesses are investing more in cybersecurity. However, small businesses tend to underestimate the risks. Criminals know this, which is why 43% of attacks target small businesses.

A data breach can cost as much as $3.86 million. For many small businesses, an attack could result in the business closing. A security breach can expose valuable IP. It can also leave customers vulnerable to identity theft, the fastest-growing type of crime in the U.S.

Some attacks can lock you out of your data or system, resulting in costly downtime. What’s more, these incidents often damage your reputation.

How to improve cybersecurity

At SecureTech, cybersecurity is one of our areas of expertise. First, we perform an initial evaluation to assess your risks. After we’ve identified any weaknesses, we can help you keep your business protected as one of the leading cyber security companies in San Antonio, TX with the following tools.


Did you know that human error plays a role in 88% of data breaches? Training can teach employees to recognize phishing emails and other threats.

We use ID Agent Phishing. With this tool, we create phishing simulations. It measures how many employees are likely to fall for phishing emails and encourages everyone to stay on the defensive.


Between 2018 and 2019, malware attacks against businesses rose by 13%. With these attacks becoming more frequent you also need to watch out for new viruses with severe effects, like ransomware attacks.

The best line of defense against these attacks remains an antivirus program. These software programs can scan files and traffic to look for malicious code. We use ESET, which is a high-performing solution that protects you from a wide range of threats.

Network safety

Monitoring access to your network can help you spot unusual activity and protect you from DDoS attacks. Besides, looking for unusual traffic patterns can help you flag users who are stealing sensitive data.

We’re a resale partner for WatchGuard, a scalable solution that improves visibility throughout your network.

Strong passwords

Microsoft found that 44 million users were still using passwords that had been leaked online. Not changing passwords often enough or sharing passwords between accounts can leave you vulnerable.

We’re the first MSP resale partner for MYKI in Texas. This password manager stores passwords safely offline and lets users review login requests from the app.

Multi-factor authentication

Cybersecurity experts recommend multi-factor authentication, a feature you’ll get with MYKI. Users will have to enter their password. Then they will complete an additional step by confirming the login in the MYKI app to prevent account takeover.

Leading cyber security companies like SecureTech can help

Our goal is to help protect your organization. We’ve partnered with several vendors to build a portfolio of solutions that will keep your data and networks safer. Our team members also have expertise you can benefit from as part of our MSP packages. Contact us to learn more!